Co-Parenting During COVID-19

It’s been a crazy week and there is more to come. As a family law attorney handling Divorce and custody situations, I am receiving many calls, emails and texts from past and current clients on how to handle co-parenting in light of the virus. While this is not “one size fits all advice” here are some tips*:

– Do not use the virus alone as a reason to deny the other parent time.
If your child is not exhibiting symptoms they should continue to be able to have their parenting time. Now is not the time to insist on parenting time if your child, you or someone in your household is showing symptoms.

– Keep calm.
Your children are worried and are looking at their parents to keep them safe and secure in the face of this. They have heard about the virus and rumors on the playground have already been swirling. Reassure them they are safe and well cared for by both of their parents.

– Communication is key!
With school closures for weeks, work from home options and those not working from home – a little communication will go a long way. Did the other parent complete that day’s math work and does your child need extra help with their reading – all of it can be solved with a little communication.

– Patience!
If you have a current case in the court expect delays or adjournments. Be patient with your attorney and the court staff as everyone juggles school closures, travel restrictions and rescheduling. When things resume to normal, still remain patient as the court will have a backlog.

– Take care of each other.
If your co-parent needs help, give it. If you need help, ask for it. Keeping our children and loved ones safe is the highest priority.

– Above all, do all things putting your children first.
Show them how resilient and strong their parents can be in the midst of a crisis.

Stay safe and healthy, and catch up on those Board games, puzzles and Netflix queue!

*call your attorney for particular advice on your exact situation.