Our Lawyers in the Michigan Community

In Our Community2021-02-11T12:48:49-05:00

Step Parent Adoptions in Michigan

May 1st, 2024|Categories: Family Law|

Step-parent adoption is a profound journey that not only legalizes the relationship between a step-parent and their step-child but also solidifies emotional bonds. It involves a legal process by which a step-parent assumes legal responsibility for their spouse’s child. This process alters the child's birth certificate, replacing the non-custodial [...]

Understanding a 12-Panel Drug Test in Michigan

February 1st, 2024|Categories: Criminal Defense|

Drug testing serves multiple purposes in Michigan. The common practice may be used by employers or law enforcement. Employers often screen prospective, or current employees. Courts may mandate drug screening while a person is on probation, or parole. Additionally, a drug test may be required to reinstate your driver’s [...]

Business Assets in a Michigan Divorce

December 12th, 2023|Categories: Family Law|

In a Michigan divorce, addressing the division of business assets can be one of the more complex and time-consuming aspects. Michigan's approach to dividing assets and debts, including business interests, requires a thorough evaluation of asset values. This process varies depending on whether the business is considered separate or [...]

Michigan Divorce and Retirement Accounts

December 7th, 2023|Categories: Family Law|

Divorce is a challenging, emotional process. A significant source of contention during the proceedings involves the distribution of assets. Retirement accounts are considered marital assets and may be divided in the divorce decree. The division of retirement accounts depends on various factors including length of marriage and age of [...]

Michigan Laws on Divorce and Real Estate Property

November 22nd, 2023|Categories: Family Law|

In Michigan, like in many states, the division of real estate in a divorce is governed by the principles of equitable distribution. This doesn't necessarily mean equal division, but rather what is considered fair and just in the eyes of the court. This article discusses Michigan divorce laws and [...]

Carrying a Firearm without a License in Michigan

November 14th, 2023|Categories: Criminal Defense|

In Michigan, the carrying of a firearm without a license is in direct violation of state gun laws, and can have serious legal consequences. It is therefore important to understand the legal framework surrounding this issue, including the potential penalties, as well as the importance of understanding and complying [...]

Understanding School Resource Officers (SROs): Cops in Schools

October 30th, 2023|Categories: Criminal Defense|

School Resource Officers (SROs) play a pivotal role in fostering a secure and conducive learning environment. Their responsibilities span across ensuring safety, imparting knowledge on crime prevention, and often extending support as informal counselors. However, the presence of SROs within school premises can also raise a myriad of legal [...]

Legal Implications of Hunting Without a License in Michigan

October 30th, 2023|Categories: Criminal Defense|

In the state of Michigan, hunting is a cherished activity enjoyed by many. However, like many other states, Michigan has a set of stringent regulations to ensure the safety and ethics of hunting practices. One such regulation is the requirement for a hunting license, which is strictly enforced by the [...]

Visitation Time with Children after Divorce

October 25th, 2023|Categories: Family Law|

Child visitation schedules and parenting time allotment in Michigan are determined by the best interests of the child. Each case is different and various factors influence court decisions regarding the child’s best interests. When parents divorce, the court typically aims to establish a custody and visitation plan that serves [...]

What Does a Divorce Lawyer Do?

September 29th, 2023|Categories: Family Law|

The Role of a Michigan Divorce Lawyer Marriages end for a variety of complex reasons. Since Michigan is a “no-fault” divorce state, couples may divorce without assigning blame or wrongdoing. In other words, the reasons for the breakup do not affect the ability to obtain a divorce. However, the [...]

DUI with Possession of Firearm

September 11th, 2023|Categories: Drunk Driving|

In Michigan, a DUI arrest is a serious matter. Anyone charged with operating a vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol faces numerous penalties including fines, license suspension, alcohol or drug education programs, community service, possible jail time, probation, and alcohol/drug monitoring. The severity of penalties depends [...]

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